The Vorkoster Lid: Redefining Food Freshness with 3D Printing
Kimia Amir-Moazami, a UDK Berlin graduate, has developed a solution to combat unnecessary food waste – the Vorkoster Lid. Unlike conventional expiry dates,... read more »
3D food printing offers a range of potential benefits. It can be healthy and good for the environment because it can help to convert alternative ingredients such as proteins from algae, beet leaves, or insects into tasty products. It also opens the door to food customization and therefore tune up with individual needs and preferences.
Kimia Amir-Moazami, a UDK Berlin graduate, has developed a solution to combat unnecessary food waste – the Vorkoster Lid. Unlike conventional expiry dates,... read more »
Researchers from Monash University's Exertion Games Lab, Carnegie Mellon University’s Morphing Matter Lab, and Gaudi Labs in Switzerland have introduced the "Dancing Delicacies"... read more »
A hospital in Spain is launching a study to test the efficacy, tolerability, and acceptance of a drug produced for children using a... read more »
If there was an award for the punniest company name of 2022, then 3D printed meat company “Steakholder” would absolutely take that prize.... read more »
Hey, remember Polaroid? Polaroid used to make cameras until Industry 4.0 came along and replaced film with memory cards. In the last decade... read more »
There have been headlines about 3D printed food for a decade at least, but that many years later and there are very few... read more »
Plastics have been a long-time favorite material of the food industry. Plastics are cheap, easy to manufacture in large quantities, they are water-tight... read more »
Researchers at Lancaster University and the Dovetailed group are testing the effects of various foods on human recollection. More specifically, they aim to... read more »
Due to its medical applications, food printing is providing many new possibilities for disenfranchised groups. One of the ways it does this is... read more »
Aside from the convenience it provides, food printing is also opening up new opportunities in terms of novel recipes and ingredients. One of... read more »
With food printing taking up various roles in the culinary world, we're seeing it grow in applications. From bakeries to doctors, everyone's getting... read more »
Researchers in Barcelona are pairing up additive manufacturing with another growing field: cruelty-free meat solutions. Giuseppe Scionti and his team have developed a plant... read more »
Summer is here and so are all its cold desserts. Yes, we're talking about ice cream. Start-up Dream Pops has you covered on... read more »
Researchers at Ewha Womans University in South Korea are looking to take food printing to the next level by introducing a nutritional focus to... read more »
There's a new restaurant joining the growing trend for additive manufacturing in restaurant and food services. This time around, the restaurant is a... read more »
London-based company FabRx have set up a Kickstarter to fund a new way of producing medicine for children. To do this, FabRx adapted... read more »
Researchers at Austrlia's CSIRO are looking into the possibilities of how printed food can help feed patients with dysphagia. Dysphagia is a disease... read more »
4D printing and food printing are about to collide. MIT's Tangible Media Group has developed pasta that reacts folds into various shapes when... read more »
While there are a few restaurants across the world that utilize 3D printers, they all operate differently. Now, Singapore institutions provide a crucial... read more »
While 3D printing is still in an adoption stage, its potential influence is massive. Many technologists have stated that it will inevitably play... read more »